wiki features alphabetical

Here we list features of wiki, alphabetically. Compilation according mh idiosyncratic interests, not systematic.

To prepare your neighborhood, click the roster link>> How-to wiki

**Often used**

- Snippets of html for displaying image assets mh image code snippets


About assets plugin wiki

We want a plugin that can show a subdirectory of assets, offer links to those assets, and add more on drop.

We'd like to share large files with the same semantics as wiki pages. We can assume that they are too large to pass through the browser's GET and PUT as synchronous operations.

We consider the case where assets are devised to make a welcoming custom home page that others might wish to emulate. We catalog examples with a page of Reference to a standardized asset description pages that are intended to be forked into new sites.

**Authorial/editorial style**

Is it as possible to Refactor Mercilessly on Wiki as with code? I'm always afraid of stepping on someone's edits and offending my peers.

Document Mode is when a Wiki contribution is written in the third person and left unsigned. The piece of text is community property; it may have multiple and changing authors as it is updated to reflect the community consensus. This is in contrast to Thread Mode, comments which are usually signed and in the first person, and rarely edited by people other than the one who signed them.


We have been interested in developing a variant of the Federated Wiki client that stores wiki in dat sites for some time. And, have made a couple of private starts at doing this - but have stumbled with connecting with the wider federation as the security model within Beaker has changed as it matures.

**Diagram techniques**

One large diagram shows all visible sites with arcs connect sites that share some reference to each other. Find a link to the full diagram in the caption below.

We draw two levels of summarization up to but not including the actual patterns. For those we do lots more link analysis.

<table cellpadding=6>

We look back over the lineup to see where else we might have browsed. Search for this page when wanted.

I make the same sort of diagrams over and over. Here I list fragments of dot code that have proven useful. website

The Graphviz plugin accepts an unusual dialect of markup which is really a computer algorithm for visiting pages and drawing what it finds. We'll explain this in simple terms that should get one going quickly.

**Diagrams as guides**

Here are patterns for group process and facilitation. We have divided up the patterns into this set of nine categories. Each category represents a group need addressed by that set of patterns.

We've equipped wiki with a means to draw pictures of work in progress that can guide this work to completion.

An unattractively complex diagram led me to refactor a page central to Thompson's writing. I hope by recounting the episode I might encourage the development of this workflow.


- Snippets of html for displaying image assets mh image code snippets

Wiki has an image problem. Modern web practice runs counter to our ideal semantics so we live with awkward compromise. As an advocate of that semantic let me explain how I post images.

We url-encode images dropped on the factory plugin. This captures the sharing dynamics expected of the federation but it doesn't match with current asset practices.


We explain federated wiki plugins. We define their role interpreting content, recount our experience writing many, describe principles and strategies for future plugins, and offer a step-by-step guide for new plugin authors. We'll also collect pointers here to good plugins when they emerge.

The Plugmatic plugin can be configured with a list of plugins that work well together and can be managed by a server administrator from within wiki itself.


Regarding Rosters as a roster-source, these become async sources when they transclude markup by fetching page json and interpreting it recursively within.

Here we configure an Activity Plugin to consume roster-source info from Rosters above and to our left. github

Here we describe our experiences of working with rosters based group work in wiki.

We report editing activity our regular scrape has noticed throughout the week. The report is expressed as a page from a foreign server that contains some statistics and a Roster of changed sites.