mh graph snippets

Some GraphViz guidance.

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I make the same sort of diagrams over and over. Here I list fragments of dot code that have proven useful. website

# Preview next diagram Do we want a map of the pages linked from this present page? OK, we'll create a set of links, to things like foobar Also foobar2 And surprisingly, foobar3 Then we call the Graphviz plugin with Preview next diagram . .

DOT FROM preview-next-diagram

# Pattern cluster diagram Pattern Cluster Diagram Vertical graph showing two levels up and two level down, from the four patterns instantiated on this page.

# What's new diagram Copy Ward's Dynamic Diagram - Eric Dobbs, figuring out some of Ward's magic: FIND a pagefold 'new', then graph links from any links that appear below the fold.

# Graphviz Thing aka 'WHERE' (Eric dojo) 2021-05-02 Revisit Graphviz Thing

DOT digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style="rounded, filled"] edge [color=black] HERE NODE WHERE /^Source:/ node [fillcolor=palegreen] edge [color=palegreen] LINKS NODE -> HERE WHERE /^Sink:/ node [fillcolor=lightblue] edge [color=lightblue] LINKS HERE -> NODE

Source: can have many paragraphs starting with Source

Sink: and many Sink

# Pattern category diagram We draw patterns within a category, patterns they reference, and the categories containing the referenced patterns. For a working example (from New Pattern :anguage - Growing regions) see Relationship

DOT FROM pattern-category-diagram

Here we start with as specific algorithm that is not large but has already defied an attempt at refactoring. We'll abstract it to pseudo-code and then suggest markup keywords that are both a simple and powerful replacement. See Growing Regions as Hypertext